HELP! I can’t fall asleep.

Do you toss and turn at night, wondering about all the stuff you need to do tomorrow and what you could have done earlier in the day?

Have you memorized all the intricate patterns on your ceiling from restless nights spent staring into the abyss?

Do you worry about waking up like an angry bear — feeling like crap and seeing a horrible sleep score on your sleep tracker?

Are you thinking about or relying on drugs and alcohol to “knock you out”?

Maybe you’ve tried meditation, taking less caffeine, or cutting yourself off from screen time at night.

If you are, you’re not alone. In fact, the CDC revealed in 2016 that more than a third of American adults don’t get enough sleep.

Bad sleep sucks. One of my mentors once said, “Sleep deprivation is the root of all evil.” There’s a lot of truth to that.

The reason this happens is that people’s nervous systems get hijacked. Their bodies are trapped in “fight-flight-freeze” mode. In scientific terms, it’s called the “sympathetic nervous system”. When people become trapped here, it’s a vicious cycle.

Their sleep worsens, and then they become more stressed and burnt out because sleep is the ultimate recovery tool. It’s one of our best answers to stress.

The real question is: how do we get out of this vicious cycle?

Well, I have been there, and I discovered one thing that solved my problem. It’s a total game changer.

The good news is that there’s actually a solution. One that may appear too straightforward to be true. Yet, it’s the best answer to your sleep problems.

Three legendary health experts (including Dr. Mercola and Charles Poliquin) revealed that this one nutrient is the key.

The answer is magnesium.

The big epiphany was learning that the body needs multiple magnesiums because they have different effects on the body. Some are beneficial to the brain… Some help the heart… Some help other systems.

That’s why I experimented with using multiple magnesium forms and ramping up the dosages. First of all, I felt better almost instantly. However, within 6 weeks, there was a profound shift in my nervous system.

Sleep scores improved massively. Sleep latency (which is how fast you fall asleep) dropped significantly. I felt calm virtually all the time. I went from not being able to drink coffee anymore (because it was increasing the stress) to being able to drink coffee again. It was epic.

That’s why I’m excited to show you MY solution: Magnesium Breakthrough.

Not only does Magnesium Breakthrough contain magnesium forms to help the brain and heart, but it contains ALL 7 MAJOR FORMS of magnesium to help improve:

Muscle recovery

Obesity’s Consequences




Cardiac rhythms

In addition, energy/performance

With all 7 major forms of magnesium, Magnesium Breakthrough is the most potent, most effective, full spectrum magnesium you will ever find. Period.

Better sleep is often observed within the very first week. And many people experience a sense of calm they haven’t felt in a long time.

Just look at what people are saying:

Get ready to break out of the vicious cycle of restless nights and start experiencing better sleep with Magnesium Breakthrough.



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